Quick Start

Access stellar model grid data

from isochrones.mist import MISTIsochroneGrid

grid = MISTIsochroneGrid()
grid.df.head()  # Just the first few rows
eep age feh mass initial_mass radius density logTeff Teff logg logL Mbol delta_nu nu_max phase dm_deep
log10_isochrone_age_yr feh EEP
5.0 -4.0 35 35 5.0 -3.978406 0.100000 0.100000 1.106082 0.104184 3.617011 4140.105252 3.350571 -0.489734 5.964335 37.987066 299.346079 -1.0 0.002885
36 36 5.0 -3.978406 0.102885 0.102885 1.122675 0.102507 3.618039 4149.909661 3.347798 -0.472691 5.921728 37.739176 298.570836 -1.0 0.003573
37 37 5.0 -3.978406 0.107147 0.107147 1.147702 0.099921 3.619556 4164.436984 3.343658 -0.447471 5.858678 37.345115 297.180748 -1.0 0.004247
38 38 5.0 -3.978406 0.111379 0.111379 1.173015 0.097287 3.621062 4178.903372 3.339612 -0.422498 5.796244 36.923615 295.526946 -1.0 0.004217
39 39 5.0 -3.978406 0.115581 0.115581 1.198615 0.094627 3.622555 4193.289262 3.335660 -0.397776 5.734440 36.473151 293.589960 -1.0 0.004189
from isochrones.mist import MISTEvolutionTrackGrid

grid_tracks = MISTEvolutionTrackGrid()
nu_max logg eep initial_mass radius logTeff mass density Mbol phase feh Teff logL delta_nu interpolated star_age age dt_deep
initial_feh initial_mass EEP
-4.0 0.1 1 143.524548 3.033277 1.0 0.1 1.593804 3.620834 0.1 0.034823 5.132871 -1.0 -3.978406 4176.707371 -0.157148 21.776686 False 13343.289397 4.125263 0.026168
2 145.419039 3.038935 2.0 0.1 1.583455 3.620769 0.1 0.035510 5.147664 -1.0 -3.978406 4176.085183 -0.163066 21.993078 False 14171.978264 4.151430 0.026121
3 147.409881 3.044805 3.0 0.1 1.572790 3.620702 0.1 0.036237 5.163015 -1.0 -3.978406 4175.435381 -0.169206 22.219791 False 15048.910447 4.177505 0.026016
4 149.499346 3.050886 4.0 0.1 1.561817 3.620631 0.1 0.037006 5.178922 -1.0 -3.978406 4174.757681 -0.175569 22.457004 False 15975.827275 4.203463 0.025996
5 151.703570 3.057203 5.0 0.1 1.550499 3.620558 0.1 0.037823 5.195452 -1.0 -3.978406 4174.049081 -0.182181 22.706349 False 16962.744747 4.229496 0.025996

Interpolate stellar properites

from isochrones import get_ichrone
mist = get_ichrone('mist')
eep = mist.get_eep(1.01, 9.76, 0.03, accurate=True)
mist.interp_value([eep, 9.76, 0.03], ['Teff', 'logg', 'radius', 'density'])
array([5.86016011e+03, 4.36634798e+00, 1.09151255e+00, 1.09589730e+00])
mist.interp_mag([eep, 9.76, 0.03, 200, 0.1], bands=['G', 'BP', 'RP'])
 array([10.99261956, 11.3150264 , 10.50313434]))

Generate synthetic properties of stars

from isochrones import get_ichrone
tracks = get_ichrone('mist', tracks=True)

mass, age, feh = (1.03, 9.72, -0.11)

tracks.generate(mass, age, feh, return_dict=True)  # "accurate=True" makes more accurate, but slower
{'nu_max': 2275.6902092679834,
 'logg': 4.315208279229787,
 'eep': 394.24,
 'initial_mass': 1.03,
 'radius': 1.1692076259176427,
 'logTeff': 3.785191265391399,
 'mass': 1.0297274169057322,
 'density': 0.9097687776092286,
 'Mbol': 4.162373757546131,
 'phase': 0.0,
 'feh': -0.19095007384845408,
 'Teff': 6100.263434973235,
 'logL': 0.23105049698154745,
 'delta_nu': 114.32933695055772,
 'interpolated': 0.0,
 'star_age': 5302578707.515498,
 'age': 9.722480201790624,
 'dt_deep': 0.0036558739980003118,
 'J': 3.2044197352759696,
 'H': 2.91756110497181,
 'K': 2.890399473719951,
 'G': 4.085847599912897,
 'BP': 4.349405878788243,
 'RP': 3.6587316339856084,
 'W1': 2.8807983122840044,
 'W2': 2.885550073210391,
 'W3': 2.8685709557487264,
 'TESS': 3.653543903981804,
 'Kepler': 4.004222279916473}
from isochrones.priors import ChabrierPrior
import numpy as np

# Simulate a 1000-star cluster at 8kpc

N = 1000
masses = ChabrierPrior().sample(N)
feh = -1.8
age = np.log10(6e9)  # 6 Gyr
distance = 8000.  # 8 kpc
AV = 0.15

# By default this will return a dataframe
%timeit tracks.generate(masses, age, feh, distance=distance, AV=AV)
df = tracks.generate(masses, age, feh, distance=distance, AV=AV)
The slowest run took 158.58 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1 loop, best of 3: 9.04 ms per loop
df = df.dropna()
print(len(df)) # about half of the original simulated stars are nans
nu_max logg eep initial_mass radius logTeff mass density Mbol phase ... H K G BP RP W1 W2 W3 TESS Kepler
0 10804.874097 4.914275 303.258462 0.418821 0.374324 3.631195 0.418811 11.354937 8.178493 0.0 ... 20.662206 20.501401 23.037457 23.718192 22.251047 20.363681 20.324516 20.219805 22.229761 22.950946
1 21841.644652 5.197122 252.271094 0.150592 0.161974 3.583987 0.150591 50.030150 10.467041 0.0 ... 22.738821 22.531319 25.488818 26.383334 24.589471 22.380110 22.316618 22.177299 24.559047 25.416412
7 2838.154305 4.435801 384.922283 0.849837 0.924219 3.833683 0.849572 1.517288 4.187702 0.0 ... 17.866850 17.848031 18.902509 19.108502 18.534769 17.834259 17.825916 17.803109 18.528245 18.837217
8 180.963558 3.194705 490.813513 0.968456 4.116643 3.742612 0.967435 0.019564 1.854663 2.0 ... 14.901613 14.851377 16.530374 16.884757 15.996079 14.816213 14.800818 14.770045 15.985842 16.451727
9 1931.725171 4.282014 416.535309 0.911882 1.142684 3.860309 0.911438 0.861278 3.460707 0.0 ... 17.332797 17.316050 18.172883 18.341059 17.864912 17.304300 17.297109 17.275839 17.857626 18.111831

5 rows × 29 columns

import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.pandas

df['BP-RP'] = df.BP - df.RP
df.hvplot.scatter('BP-RP', 'G', hover_cols=['mass', 'radius', 'Teff', 'logg', 'eep']).options(invert_yaxis=True, width=600)

Fit physical parameters of a star to observed data

from isochrones import get_ichrone, SingleStarModel

mist = get_ichrone('mist', bands=['BP', 'RP'])
params = {'Teff': (5700, 100), 'logg': (4.5, 0.1), 'feh': (0.0, 0.15),
          'BP': (10.42, 0.01), 'RP': (9.54, 0.01),
          'parallax': (10, 0.5)}  # mas
mod = SingleStarModel(mist, **params)
INFO:root:MultiNest basename: ./chains/mist-single-
%matplotlib inline


Check out the numerical sampling results:

eep age feh distance AV lnprob
count 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000
mean 337.710149 9.509309 -0.020312 101.801691 0.136494 -39.022183
std 9.624071 0.149170 0.078899 3.989609 0.069615 1.311924
min 304.868138 9.043279 -0.300996 88.634174 0.000291 -48.789323
25% 330.856377 9.400976 -0.070581 99.008511 0.085589 -39.612822
50% 339.214747 9.526285 -0.022509 101.582447 0.129668 -38.744828
75% 345.473042 9.630834 0.033488 104.310959 0.183091 -38.076162
max 364.435350 9.802944 0.243018 118.737714 0.466537 -37.088602

And the derived parameters at those samples:

eep age feh mass initial_mass radius density logTeff Teff logg ... Mbol delta_nu nu_max phase dm_deep BP_mag RP_mag parallax distance AV
count 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 ... 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.0 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000 4643.000000
mean 337.710149 9.509309 -0.018942 0.958078 0.958169 0.921082 1.738516 3.755075 5690.649562 4.491137 ... 4.982881 157.087407 3538.322417 0.0 0.008306 10.420067 9.539072 9.837970 101.801691 0.136494
std 9.624071 0.149170 0.086400 0.030418 0.030410 0.031022 0.137653 0.005747 75.536605 0.020924 ... 0.107383 6.095095 177.717410 0.0 0.000654 0.009287 0.009087 0.382167 3.989609 0.069615
min 304.868138 9.043279 -0.317669 0.876002 0.876104 0.828304 1.209516 3.740466 5501.680997 4.396153 ... 4.568552 131.705546 2801.309165 0.0 0.002593 10.386946 9.505070 8.421924 88.634174 0.000291
25% 330.856377 9.400976 -0.076201 0.936277 0.936370 0.899485 1.643165 3.750771 5634.112958 4.476522 ... 4.913786 152.933682 3412.744754 0.0 0.007966 10.413741 9.533035 9.586720 99.008511 0.085589
50% 339.214747 9.526285 -0.022622 0.956896 0.956970 0.919331 1.740170 3.754596 5683.909988 4.492272 ... 4.985717 157.283081 3545.198779 0.0 0.008247 10.420135 9.539162 9.844220 101.582447 0.129668
75% 345.473042 9.630834 0.039230 0.979404 0.979464 0.940155 1.832595 3.758868 5740.000379 4.506173 ... 5.061043 161.294116 3664.317241 0.0 0.008619 10.426205 9.545132 10.100142 104.310959 0.183091
max 364.435350 9.802944 0.267804 1.083840 1.083927 1.058840 2.217147 3.782650 6062.846454 4.553723 ... 5.303972 177.056425 4130.359858 0.0 0.011076 10.453965 9.574724 11.282330 118.737714 0.466537

8 rows × 21 columns

Eyeball your posterior predictive with:


Fit a binary star model

from isochrones import BinaryStarModel
mod2 = BinaryStarModel(mist, **params)
INFO:root:MultiNest basename: ./chains/mist-binary-
eep_0 eep_1 age feh distance AV lnprob eep_0 feh_0 mass_0 ... Mbol_1 delta_nu_1 nu_max_1 phase_1 dm_deep_1 BP_mag_1 RP_mag_1 BP_mag RP_mag parallax
0 359.086356 249.801089 9.821476 -0.073397 98.727349 0.178347 -54.808864 359.086356 -0.104045 0.902009 ... 10.367668 615.092182 16669.820345 0.0 0.006549 17.795078 15.260853 10.463678 9.547117 10.128906
1 398.209362 283.317080 10.067148 -0.280222 107.778948 0.088950 -54.414634 398.209362 -0.372728 0.826538 ... 9.308760 463.937102 12708.865085 0.0 0.001280 16.173813 14.156854 10.414967 9.566663 9.278250
2 389.035743 301.852188 9.971050 -0.207856 106.526665 0.166244 -54.189376 389.035743 -0.278190 0.869004 ... 9.014070 414.876808 11597.777825 0.0 0.002549 15.919824 13.882693 10.391647 9.518239 9.387321
3 397.668498 266.911796 9.915806 -0.109190 120.644797 0.249099 -54.100849 397.668498 -0.176003 0.936127 ... 9.592630 486.986772 13422.770521 0.0 0.006254 17.143644 14.860496 10.432474 9.553840 8.288795
4 370.982797 256.436383 9.816281 -0.205884 103.041704 0.385523 -53.934142 370.982797 -0.260589 0.914513 ... 9.905946 562.841780 15244.528561 0.0 0.007484 17.169701 14.890180 10.439209 9.511726 9.704808

5 rows × 44 columns
